valve logo

Valve, the master of my life.



Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Source

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Day of Defeat

Day of Defeat: Source

Deathmatch Classic

Dota 2


Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2: Episode 1

Half-Life 2: Episode 2

Half-Life 2: Lost Coast

Half-Life Deathmatch: Source

Half-Life: Blue Shift

Half-Life: Opposing Force

Half-Life: Source

Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead 2


Portal 2


Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress Classic


This is a list of every Valve owned game that i can think of. Do you see a number three anywhere? Anywhere at all? I sure don’t. Sure, if you count Half-Life one and all it’s expansions you’ll get a three, same with Half-Life 2, but I still don’t see a ‘3’ anywhere. Why is this relevant?

Well, aside from the fact that I’m a huge Half-Life fan (I personally have Half-Life for single player and Counter-Strike for multiplayer), it is almost baffling how Valve has a fear over the number three. Ickle forum-use talk shows why. Common sentences such as ‘Every time a sequel hits number 3 it dies’ may indicate Valve’s feeling of a third sequel. But that leaves us with a problem. What’s going to happen to Half-Life 3, Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Dota 3, Team Fortress 3?

I read an article somewhere stating Valve’s new plan for content. It no longer plans on episodic content or game releases, but plans to just merge all games into one, and constantly update that one game. This seems like it’d work fairly well for multiplayer games. Heck, even Portal 2 could use that to it’s advantage. I just don’t understand how a single player only game such as Half-Life could use something like that. Will they just continue the story in DLC? I don’t see how that would work.

Half-Life 3 Logo

Come on Valve, make me happy!

Half-Life, for those who don’t know, is the game that started Valve.  I don’t see it fair to forget about the series that gave them everything. Counter-Strike started of as a mod for Half-Life, as did Team Fortress. Maybe I’m slightly biased. Maybe I just want a new Half-Life. It does, however, make me think about Valve’s thinking on more of a wider scale. If Valve truly is worried about the number three, if this new Content-Delivery-System doesn’t work according to plan, how are they going to provide new games to us? Not that a game that gives us continuous DLC is ever considered a new game, of course.


Just a side note, ignoring Half-Life, the next game I would like to see released from Valve would have to be Left 4 Dead. Yes, I know it’s the last to get updated besides Half-Life, but even if Portal 2 and Counter-Strike:GO hadn’t been released, I’d still want a new Left 4 Dead. Hours of fun!

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